How Long Does It Take to Whiten Teeth?

Brunette woman with a bright white smile after teeth whitening smiles happily

One of the quickest ways to touch up your smile and give you a boost of self-confidence is to whiten your teeth. At Hillstream Dental, we offer a variety of professional teeth whitening options to give you the smile of your dreams. If you’re constantly on-the-go and need a whitening solution that’s fast and low maintenance, we have a solution for you! Here, we’ll discuss our effective in-office whitening treatment and how quickly you can see results.

ZOOM!® One-Visit Whitening

If you have one hour to spare, our in-office ZOOM! whitening system can provide you with visibly noticeable results as soon as you leave our office. During this treatment, the professional-strength whitening gel is applied to your teeth and an LED light is applied to cure it. After about 45 minutes, the whitening gel will have taken effect. Some patients experience a smile up to 8 shades lighter after their treatment. You may need to have a professional cleaning beforehand to remove any built up plaque and tartar, but the entire process of cleaning and whitening shouldn’t take more than 1 or 2 visits, depending on your schedule.

How to Extend Your Whitening Results

After having a whitening treatment performed, you’re not necessarily prohibited from eating or drinking heavily-dyed foods. However, keep in mind that the more you consume them, the more likely they are to stain your teeth. Items like coffee, red wine, and dark soda can cause your smile to become duller over time.

Safely Achieve a Smile That Is White & Bright!

Thanks to advancements in dental technology, there’s never been a better time to whiten your smile. And rest assured, any whitening treatment performed by our professional team is completely safe for your smile. We’ll take into account your oral health, any sensitivity issues you may have, and your time schedule before recommending a whitening treatment. Contact our Hillstream Dental team today to ask us any additional questions you may have. We look forward to helping you have a dazzling smile.

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