Does My Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

dentist near me - insurance-friendly When it comes to your oral health, the best defense is a good offense. This includes quality preventive care, such as daily brushing and flossing, receiving routine dental checkups and cleanings, protecting your mouth during sports with an athletic mouthguard, and alleviating the effects of bruxism with a nightguard and relaxation techniques. These can reduce your risk for developing many common dental issues. But sometimes, dental emergencies still happen. Knowing how to react to these unwelcome surprises and understanding your insurance benefits can help you feel a little calmer. If you’re ever in doubt about whether your dental issue qualifies as an emergency that requires immediate care, our team at Hillstream Dental is here to help!

Getting the Most Out of Your Dental Benefits

Most dental insurance will cover dental emergencies, though the extent of the coverage will depend on your plan and the type of emergency. If you ever have any doubts about what your plan will cover, our team can check your benefit eligibility and give you an estimate of your out-of-pocket expenses.

No Dental Insurance? No Problem!

If you don’t have dental insurance, your medical insurance probably won’t cover a dental emergency. But you still have options!
  • For a low monthly payment, our dental savings plan covers your preventive care and an emergency exam, and unlocks discounts on our other services.
  • Or you can split up your dental expenses into manageable payments with CareCredit® third-party financing. This is a credit card specifically for healthcare expenses.

Toothache & Knocked-Out Tooth

In addition to understanding your payment options, knowing how to respond to certain situations will help you remain calm. Toothaches and lost adult teeth are two of the most common dental emergencies:
  • For a toothache, try brushing and flossing your teeth and swishing with warm saltwater to dislodge any food particles and bacteria. Apply a cold compress to the affected area in 20 minute increments. If you take an over-the-counter pain reliever, follow the label’s instructions.
  • If a permanent tooth gets knocked out, handle it only by its chewing surface and gently rinse it off with water or milk. Gently place the tooth back in its socket, in between your cheek and gum, or even in a glass of milk to keep it moist. Then get to our office ASAP! Treatment within 15 to 30 minutes after the injury promotes the tooth’s best chance of survival.
To learn more about our same-day emergency care or our payment options, contact our office today! Contact Us
Hillstream Dental

Hillstream Dental