How Does Fluoride Protect My Teeth?

Five smiling teeth with different facial expressions.

When you look at the ingredients in your toothpaste, you will most likely see fluoride listed. This naturally occurring mineral has a significant impact on your oral health! Read on to learn more about what fluoride can do for your smile!

Fluoride 101

You now know that fluoride is a mineral. However, there is much more to it than that. Fluoride is found in the teeth, bones, soil, air, water, plants, and more! It is most commonly used to help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities. In fact, most public water supplies have fluoride in them to help reduce the number of cavities and cases of tooth decay within communities.

The Significance of Fluoride for Your Oral Health

Fluoride provides many benefits for dental health. It is one of the first lines of defense against bacteria and decay.

  • Helps prevent future cavities.
  • Keeps harmful oral bacteria at bay.
  • Rebuilds weakened tooth enamel after acidic reactions demineralize the tooth’s surface.
  • Reverses early signs of tooth decay.
  • Strengthens enamel.

How to Ensure Your Teeth Get Enough Fluoride

There are many sources for fluoride to ensure you get the right amount of it to protect your teeth. In addition to drinking fluoridated water, we recommend using fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash. You can also get a quick fluoride treatment at your next visit to Hillstream Dental if our team determines you need more fluoride. Please make sure you speak to a healthcare professional if you think you aren’t getting enough fluoride. An excess of fluoride can be harmful, which means it’s crucial that you’re getting the right amount.

Cavity Prevention at Hillstream Dental

Want to learn more about protecting your teeth? Need help with cavities and decay? Our team at Hillstream Dental is dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Please contact either our Rochester Hills or St. Clair Shores office today. We’d love to hear from you!

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